Set up a lightweight JSON endpoint in seconds,
then add a schema to edit your data safely at any time
Use n:point as a lightweight
backend while you prototype
your app or website.
Define the structure of your data with JSON Schema . When you're ready, lock the schema so it can never change again.
Let others make changes to the
saved data. With the schema
locked, you can be sure edits
won't break your app.
This list is built on n:point!
Check it out at, or via the API at
What started out as a hobby project to help with prototyping has turned into a service serving over 2,000 requests/minute for over 25,000 JSON bins.
To keep everything running smoothly, n:point now rate-limits requests as follows:
n:point is a one-way JSON store: edit online, fetch via GET requests over API. Editing data over the API via POST requests is in private beta. Even once released, n:point is not meant to be a full backend for your app.
Contact if you have any questions!
n:point is completely open source and hosted on Github.
Contributions are welcome! There are also instructions in case you want to self-host your own instance.